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    Download Happy Go Lucky Lyrics by DIOR 大穎, 地狱旅行团 - Read, Copy & Get LRC, PDF, TXT, SRT Files

    Read, copy, and download the Happy Go Lucky lyrics LRC file, which provides synchronized music subtitles for the song Happy Go Lucky by DIOR 大穎, 地狱旅行团 from the album Happy Go Lucky. Our LRC file is created using the free "LRC File Maker" tool and matches the official length of the song, which is 03:02.41. Additionally, you can download the lyrics in TXT (.txt), SRT (.srt), and PDF (.pdf) formats.

    Happy Go Lucky by DIOR 大穎, 地狱旅行团 LRC Format

    [ti:Happy Go Lucky]
    [ar:DIOR 大穎, 地狱旅行团]
    [al:Happy Go Lucky]
    [00:03.52]I'm happy, happy, happy 祝你萬事如意
    [00:06.72]Oh money, money, money 賺得洋洋得意
    [00:12.58]鞭炮聲響連天 轉眼又是新一年
    [00:15.15]大家春風滿面 滿街都在貼春聯
    [00:18.68]每一年這一天 家家戶戶慶團圓
    [00:25.77]換上新衣新鞋 排著隊拿壓歲錢
    [00:28.98]各個嘴巴很甜 阿姨你美如仙
    [00:32.19]祝你好運連連 祝你年年賺大錢
    [00:39.37]有家人在身邊 什麽事都好一點
    [00:42.81]一家人繞一圈 開開心心過肥年
    [00:46.03]不管再多疲倦 我要通宵到三點
    [00:49.51]年輕人圍一圈 三隻公大過天 (ah-ha)
    [00:55.34]I'm happy, happy, happy 祝你萬事如意
    [00:59.12]Oh money, money, money 圍繞著你
    [01:02.20]祝福你大吉大利 財神來你家裏
    [01:05.93]天天都有新驚喜 (heng ah, huat ah)
    [01:09.59]I'm happy, happy, happy 祝你萬事如意
    [01:12.77]Oh lucky, lucky, lucky 圍繞著你
    [01:19.74]天天都有好心情 煩惱會統統散去
    [01:38.02]有家人在身邊 什麽事都好一點
    [01:41.19]一家人繞一圈 開開心心過肥年
    [01:44.61]在心裏許許願 要平安每一天
    [01:47.80]用心許就會實現 (wow)
    [01:53.89]I'm happy, happy, happy 祝你萬事如意
    [01:57.35]Oh money, money, money 圍繞著你
    [02:00.41]祝福你大吉大利 財神來你家裏
    [02:04.06]天天都有新驚喜 (heng ah, huat ah)
    [02:07.92]I'm happy, happy, happy 祝你萬事如意
    [02:10.98]Oh lucky, lucky, lucky 圍繞著你
    [02:17.96]天天都有好心情 煩惱會統統散去
    [02:23.29]I'm happy, happy, happy 祝你萬事如意
    [02:26.47]Oh money, money, money 它圍繞著你
    [02:29.67]全家和和氣氣 就家和萬事興
    [02:36.92]I'm happy, happy, happy 祝你萬事如意
    [02:40.30]Oh lucky, lucky, lucky 圍繞著你
    [02:43.37]難過的統統忘記 都飄散到風裏
    [02:47.02]再難也不要放棄 祝福你前程似錦

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    Happy Go Lucky



    1. Who is the singer of "Happy Go Lucky" song?

    ⇒ DIOR 大穎, 地狱旅行团 has sung the song "Happy Go Lucky".

    2. Which album is the "Happy Go Lucky" song from?

    ⇒ The song "Happy Go Lucky" is from the album Happy Go Lucky.

    3. In which language is the "Happy Go Lucky" song composed?

    ⇒ The song "Happy Go Lucky" is composed in the Vietnamese language.

    4. What is the official duration of the "Happy Go Lucky" song?

    ⇒ The official duration of "Happy Go Lucky" is 03:02.41.

    5. Can I reupload this LRC file on the internet?

    ⇒ Sorry, you are not allowed to reupload this LRC file on the internet without permission. This is only for your personal use.

    6. Does this LRC file perfectly match the official song?

    ⇒ Yes, it does most of the time, but sometimes you may need to apply an offset using our tool, LRC File Maker (e.g., +10 or -10).

    DIOR 大穎, 地狱旅行团 - Happy Go Lucky