Read, copy, and download the 一場同學 lyrics LRC file, which provides synchronized music subtitles for the song 一場同學 by Alfred Hui from the album Alfred Hui. Our LRC file is created using the free "LRC File Maker" tool and matches the official length of the song, which is 04:21.25. Additionally, you can download the lyrics in TXT (.txt), SRT (.srt), and PDF (.pdf) formats.
[ar:Alfred Hui]
[al:Alfred Hui]
[00:21.09]重回熟悉母校 又見松柏樹
[00:28.46]重現舊生會中的你 呆坐於遠處
[00:35.69]兒時校隊衝剌 從來也未會認輸
[00:42.77]橫行亂闖 即管跟我 罰企不怕撇雨
[00:50.03]臉書有關注 會溝通還未至於
[00:56.86]說好了的 鎮守信念
[01:04.08]那分大無畏 不夠橫越十載 寒暑
[01:12.78]轉眼 見大家都怕輸
[01:20.30]怪就怪在歲月 總可沖淡承諾
[01:27.36]變得相當貪生怕死 難道還會錯愕
[01:47.19]或者你跟我 已不單純像最初
[01:54.44]猶如校歌 該怎麼唱 亦變得撲朔
[02:32.00]或許要多寬恕 太多不能自作主
[02:39.17]大家再寫 「我的志願」
[02:42.45]寧願吃飽 再做隻豬
[02:46.41]那天露營裡面 講過成全大家建樹
[02:54.87]此際 我共你沒贏輸
[03:09.19]要初衷都不怎變改 原是沉重哲學
[03:29.15]校歌裡一句 「記得忠誠像最初」
[03:36.35]曾同並肩一起走過 問我怎切割
[03:47.41]來年舊生宴會 誰人還記住
This LRC file may not match your music if the duration is not the same. Click Edit below and simply apply an offset (+0.10 sec, -0.10 sec, etc.)
You May Listen 一場同學 by Alfred Hui
1. Who is the singer of "一場同學" song?
⇒ Alfred Hui has sung the song "一場同學".
2. Which album is the "一場同學" song from?
⇒ The song "一場同學" is from the album Alfred Hui.
3. In which language is the "一場同學" song composed?
⇒ The song "一場同學" is composed in the Chinese language.
4. What is the official duration of the "一場同學" song?
⇒ The official duration of "一場同學" is 04:21.25.
5. Can I reupload this LRC file on the internet?
⇒ Sorry, you are not allowed to reupload this LRC file on the internet without permission. This is only for your personal use.
6. Does this LRC file perfectly match the official song?
⇒ Yes, it does most of the time, but sometimes you may need to apply an offset using our tool, LRC File Maker (e.g., +10 or -10).
Alfred Hui - 一場同學