Read, copy, and download the Sal de Mi Mente lyrics LRC file, which provides synchronized music subtitles for the song Sal de Mi Mente by Amir from the album Amir. Our LRC file is created using the free "LRC File Maker" tool and matches the official length of the song, which is 04:04.68. Additionally, you can download the lyrics in TXT (.txt), SRT (.srt), and PDF (.pdf) formats.
[ti:Sal de Mi Mente]
[00:00.24]Je t'appelle
[00:13.31]Je t'appelle
[00:18.07]Dime como es que puedes seguir
[00:20.77]Allí sonriendo tan feliz
[00:24.48]Y yo 'aquí
[00:27.76]Buscando como poderte olvidar
[00:30.72]Estoy hundido en un mar
[00:33.27]Y ya no puedo respira
[00:37.48]Acaso fue artificial
[00:39.28]Tu amor que juraste real
[00:42.13]Te burlaste de mi corazón, probe de tu amor y me trae el dolor
[00:46.30]Te encanta ser mala mujer
[00:49.24]Mientras que puedo acer
[00:50.99]Con el recuerdo de tus labios, tus besos, tu ser
[00:53.94]Sors de ma tête
[00:57.52]De ma peau sors, j'suis plus que un corps
[00:59.93]au bord de l'eau
[01:03.33]Sors de ma tête
[01:06.05]J'essaie encore, mais j'suis moins fort
[01:09.18]Que ton écho
[01:12.73]Et je t'appelle, je t'appelle, je t'appelle (comme un écho)
[01:22.41]Et je t'appelle, je t'appelle, je t'appelle
[01:32.71]Mi orgullo se ahogo al querer
[01:35.56]Recuperarte yo se bien
[01:39.09]Me equivoque
[01:40.07]De este amor ya no hay solución
[01:45.42]o solo fui tu diversion
[01:47.76]Y todo esto una ilusión
[01:49.50]Acaso fue artificial
[01:53.93]Tu amor que juraste real
[01:56.08]Te burlaste de mi corazón, probe de tu amor y me trae el dolor
[02:00.94]Te encanta ser mala mujer
[02:02.80]Mientras que puedo acer
[02:05.51]Con el recuerdo de tus labios, tus besos, tu ser
[02:07.56]Sors de ma tête
[02:12.13]De ma peau sors, j'suis plus qu'un corps
[02:14.53]Au bord de l'eau
[02:17.84]Sors de ma tête
[02:20.66]J'essaie encore, mais j'suis moins fort
[02:23.75]Que ton écho
[02:27.27]Et je t'appelle, je t'appelle,je t'appelle(comme un écho)
[02:30.74]Et je t'appelle, je t'appelle, je t'appelle
[02:46.91]La pasión de este amor ya se acabo entre tu y yo se termino
[02:56.27]Ya no quiero saber nada de ti.
[03:04.38]Sors de ma tête
[03:08.00]De ma peau sors, j'suis plus qu'un corps
[03:10.35]Au bord de l'eau
[03:13.66]Sors de ma tête
[03:17.69]J'essaie encore, mais j'suis moins fort
[03:19.65]Que ton écho
[03:23.19]Et je t'appelle, je t'appelle, je t'appelle(comme un écho)
[03:35.87]Et je t'appelle, je t'appelle, je t'appelle
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You May Listen Sal de Mi Mente by Amir
1. Who is the singer of "Sal de Mi Mente" song?
⇒ Amir has sung the song "Sal de Mi Mente".
2. Which album is the "Sal de Mi Mente" song from?
⇒ The song "Sal de Mi Mente" is from the album Amir.
3. In which language is the "Sal de Mi Mente" song composed?
⇒ The song "Sal de Mi Mente" is composed in the French language.
4. What is the official duration of the "Sal de Mi Mente" song?
⇒ The official duration of "Sal de Mi Mente" is 04:04.68.
5. Can I reupload this LRC file on the internet?
⇒ Sorry, you are not allowed to reupload this LRC file on the internet without permission. This is only for your personal use.
6. Does this LRC file perfectly match the official song?
⇒ Yes, it does most of the time, but sometimes you may need to apply an offset using our tool, LRC File Maker (e.g., +10 or -10).
Amir - Sal de Mi Mente