Read, copy, and download the Climb lyrics LRC file, which provides synchronized music subtitles for the song Climb by NEFFEX from the album Climb. Our LRC file is created using the free "LRC File Maker" tool and matches the official length of the song, which is 02:24.00. Additionally, you can download the lyrics in TXT (.txt), SRT (.srt), and PDF (.pdf) formats.
[00:12.73]You will not change my mind
[00:16.17]I'm here to stay, I'll grind
[00:19.67]I'll be the best, all time
[00:22.98]I will not fade, I'll climb
[00:26.64]I'm here to stay, here to play
[00:28.38]Got one life and I know what a year can change
[00:30.15]My fear to fame, near the same
[00:31.78]Got that voice in the back of my ear to say
[00:33.48]Don't give up, don't hold back
[00:35.24]You're not enough, stay on track
[00:36.92]It's been tough, close the gap
[00:38.71]It can suck, that's a fact
[00:40.25]But no, I won't slow down
[00:42.90]Hold my own right now
[00:43.92]In the zone I found
[00:45.42]Finna blow this sound
[00:47.40]As I grow this crowd
[00:48.78]You all know me now
[00:50.80]Being known, call it clout
[00:52.39]Better watch the fuck out, yeah
[01:07.56]You will not change my mind
[01:11.10]I'm here to stay, I'll grind
[01:14.52]I'll be the best, all time
[01:17.97]I will not fade, I'll climb
[01:21.74]Coast to coast, finna roast
[01:23.10]Any motherfucker who been thinkin' he gonna beat me, no
[01:25.26]Keep 'em low, sneaking though
[01:26.69]I'ma be the one creeping up until I'm eating foes
[01:28.46]Believe me, hoe, you don't know
[01:30.30]All the shit I been through, never gonna take it slow
[01:32.50]Awake I go, now I know
[01:33.54]The code flowin' through my mind, just like a wave it goes, uh
[01:35.85]To be the best
[01:36.97]Must be different than the rest
[01:38.58]Must commit to every test
[01:40.44]Turning noes into a yes
[01:42.10]Fuck the haters, second guess
[01:43.90]While you know what you do best
[01:45.55]Take the risk and take the debt
[01:47.25]Count the cards and rig the deck, yeah
[02:02.48]You will not change my mind
[02:05.83]I'm here to stay, I'll grind
[02:09.31]I'll be the best, all time
[02:12.77]I will not fade, I'll climb
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You May Listen Climb by NEFFEX
1. Who is the singer of "Climb" song?
⇒ NEFFEX has sung the song "Climb".
2. Which album is the "Climb" song from?
⇒ The song "Climb" is from the album Climb.
3. In which language is the "Climb" song composed?
⇒ The song "Climb" is composed in the English language.
4. What is the official duration of the "Climb" song?
⇒ The official duration of "Climb" is 02:24.00.
5. Can I reupload this LRC file on the internet?
⇒ Sorry, you are not allowed to reupload this LRC file on the internet without permission. This is only for your personal use.
6. Does this LRC file perfectly match the official song?
⇒ Yes, it does most of the time, but sometimes you may need to apply an offset using our tool, LRC File Maker (e.g., +10 or -10).
NEFFEX - Climb