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    Download anima Lyrics by Daoko - Read, Copy & Get LRC, PDF, TXT, SRT Files

    Read, copy, and download the anima lyrics LRC file, which provides synchronized music subtitles for the song anima by Daoko from the album Daoko. Our LRC file is created using the free "LRC File Maker" tool and matches the official length of the song, which is 05:42.57. Additionally, you can download the lyrics in TXT (.txt), SRT (.srt), and PDF (.pdf) formats.

    anima by Daoko LRC Format

    [00:52.42]最新安心解体新書開けよ 今に
    [00:55.06]見透かす瞳 きみの祈り
    [00:57.83]今日の帰路 眠る holy
    [01:16.44]好奇心のままに送信 斬新行為
    [01:19.30]お耳を拝借 容易いハイジャック
    [01:24.83]最たる縁の素 変なことを
    [01:26.92]天下元 笑顔で言う
    [01:29.06]「アイ・ラブ・ユー too サンキュー」
    [01:31.25]開拓す ひとまずする
    [01:34.14]リラックス すうすうはあ
    [01:41.55]未知なる LIVE を
    [02:12.55]皆仲良くできるかな meme
    [02:57.24]条件反射 しょうもないから
    [03:00.67]オーライ 崩壊ゲシュタルト
    [03:06.63]自我強固 痛そうよ
    [03:08.39]ちょうどイー 感じがわかれば
    [03:12.69]なんつってー もういいです
    [03:20.20]迷惑な選択だ 計画は正確に
    [03:22.89]Get your dream
    [03:26.81]Make a wish
    [03:27.90]連絡は迅速に 折角なら勉学を
    [03:30.80]Get your meme
    [03:31.75]デジタルキッズ 敵が好き
    [03:33.21]練り歩き 始めるのはひとり遊び
    [03:54.67]息絶えた anima
    [04:05.91]朝靄に浮く 花 夢みる 空 風
    [04:29.90]どうかどうか よろしくどうぞ
    [04:50.38]光るガイアへ 気づく対話で
    [04:52.43]決めた方角の 果てへ
    [04:53.86]いってみたい 知っていたい
    [04:55.71]きっといま 知るときだ
    [04:56.70]誰も皆 知っている 既にもう
    [04:59.87]気づかない 言葉なく
    [05:01.21]意識すら やわらかい
    [05:02.58]生まれたて 赤子なら
    [05:04.07]ゆるされた 罪深い
    [05:05.39]無知だから 無知ゆえに
    [05:06.96]愛された みせかけで

    This LRC file may not match your music if the duration is not the same. Click Edit below and simply apply an offset (+0.10 sec, -0.10 sec, etc.)

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    1. Who is the singer of "anima" song?

    ⇒ Daoko has sung the song "anima".

    2. Which album is the "anima" song from?

    ⇒ The song "anima" is from the album Daoko.

    3. In which language is the "anima" song composed?

    ⇒ The song "anima" is composed in the Japanese language.

    4. What is the official duration of the "anima" song?

    ⇒ The official duration of "anima" is 05:42.57.

    5. Can I reupload this LRC file on the internet?

    ⇒ Sorry, you are not allowed to reupload this LRC file on the internet without permission. This is only for your personal use.

    6. Does this LRC file perfectly match the official song?

    ⇒ Yes, it does most of the time, but sometimes you may need to apply an offset using our tool, LRC File Maker (e.g., +10 or -10).

    Daoko - anima