Read, copy, and download the Akiresuken - Daoko Live Unplugged in Sogetsu Hall lyrics LRC file, which provides synchronized music subtitles for the song Akiresuken - Daoko Live Unplugged in Sogetsu Hall by Daoko from the album Daoko. Our LRC file is created using the free "LRC File Maker" tool and matches the official length of the song, which is 04:12.89. Additionally, you can download the lyrics in TXT (.txt), SRT (.srt), and PDF (.pdf) formats.
[ti:Akiresuken - Daoko Live Unplugged in Sogetsu Hall]
[00:24.10]空が晴れて 風が吹いて
[00:36.57]朝はパンです さあ 駆け足で
[00:42.39]社会の歯車回す 守りたい生活が
[00:56.58]溢れないよう 飲んで注いで
[01:05.84]身体は容れ物 不便な日常
[01:38.36]夕焼け 落ちてゆく
[01:44.39]おひさま みていた
[01:55.97]こころも ゆらゆら
[02:02.17]そうだ コンビニ寄ってから帰ろうかな
This LRC file may not match your music if the duration is not the same. Click Edit below and simply apply an offset (+0.10 sec, -0.10 sec, etc.)
You May Listen Akiresuken - Daoko Live Unplugged in Sogetsu Hall by Daoko
1. Who is the singer of "Akiresuken - Daoko Live Unplugged in Sogetsu Hall" song?
⇒ Daoko has sung the song "Akiresuken - Daoko Live Unplugged in Sogetsu Hall".
2. Which album is the "Akiresuken - Daoko Live Unplugged in Sogetsu Hall" song from?
⇒ The song "Akiresuken - Daoko Live Unplugged in Sogetsu Hall" is from the album Daoko.
3. In which language is the "Akiresuken - Daoko Live Unplugged in Sogetsu Hall" song composed?
⇒ The song "Akiresuken - Daoko Live Unplugged in Sogetsu Hall" is composed in the Japanese language.
4. What is the official duration of the "Akiresuken - Daoko Live Unplugged in Sogetsu Hall" song?
⇒ The official duration of "Akiresuken - Daoko Live Unplugged in Sogetsu Hall" is 04:12.89.
5. Can I reupload this LRC file on the internet?
⇒ Sorry, you are not allowed to reupload this LRC file on the internet without permission. This is only for your personal use.
6. Does this LRC file perfectly match the official song?
⇒ Yes, it does most of the time, but sometimes you may need to apply an offset using our tool, LRC File Maker (e.g., +10 or -10).
Daoko - Akiresuken - Daoko Live Unplugged in Sogetsu Hall